
  • Data scientists use EDA to ensure their results align with business objectives and help stakeholders verify they are asking the right questions.
  • EDA involves steps to understand data, reveal patterns, identify anomalies, test hypotheses, and ensure data quality for analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a fundamental and crucial step in a data science project, consuming about 70% of a data scientist’s time. It features the analysis and visualization of data to resolve its primary characteristics, reveal patterns, and recognize relation between variables. EDA is typically performed as a preliminary step before more formal statistical analyses or modeling.

Role of Exploratory Data Analysis in Data Science

The primary goal of EDA is to examine data before forming any assumptions. EDA helps identify apparent errors, better understand data patterns, detect outliers or anomalies, and uncover links among variables.

Data scientists use EDA to ensure their results are accurate and relevant to the desired business outcomes and objectives. Additionally, EDA assists stakeholders in verifying that they are asking the right questions. It can address queries related to standard deviations, categorical variables, and confidence intervals. After EDA is executed and insights are extracted, the findings can be used for advanced modeling or analysis, including machine learning.

Understanding the major segments of EDA is crucial for unraveling the complexities within a dataset, as each segment provides a unique lens through which data can be explored, patterns identified, and insights derived.

Major Components of Exploratory Data Analysis

EDA’s critical components unveil the underlying structures, connections, and characteristics within a dataset.

  • Data distribution

Analyzing the distribution of data points to comprehend their range, central tendencies, and the spread of the data (variance and standard deviation).

  • Graphical representation

Utilizing visualizations such as box plots, histograms, bar charts, and scatter plots to unravel connections within the data and evaluate the catering of variables.

  • Outlier detection

Recognizing values that primarily vary from the rest of the database testing. These outliers can impact statistical analysis and may point to data entry errors or unique cases.

  • Correlation evaluation

Examining the relationships between variables to determine how they may influence one another, which involves calculating correlation coefficients and constructing correlation matrices.

  • Handling missing values

Identifying missing data points and determining whether to address them through imputation or removal, based on their impact and the extent of the missing data.

  • Summarizing statistics

Computing essential statistics that reveal data trends and subtle details.

  • Assumptions testing

Many statistical tests and models rely on specific conditions, such as homoscedasticity or normality, being met. EDA assists in verifying these assumptions.

Essential EDA components along with their usage in the sequence determine the type of EDA the business can opt for according to the specific requirements.

Types of Exploratory Data Analysis

Various EDA strategies can be employed depending on the nature of the data and the goals of the analysis. Based on the number of columns being examined, EDA can be categorized into three types:

  • Univariate analysis

Univariate analysis examines a single variable to understand its internal characteristics and detection. It is primarily focused on describing the data and identifying patterns within a single feature. This type of analysis stresses characterizing variables within the dataset.

It involves summarizing and visualizing one variable at a time to comprehend its distribution, central tendency, spread, and other relevant information. Standard methods include box plots, histograms, bar charts, and summary statistics.

  • Bivariate analysis

This scrutiny emphasizes examining the relation between two variables. It helps uncover associations, correlations, and dependencies between pairs of variables.

As a vital aspect of exploratory data analysis, bivariate analysis explores how two variables interact with each other. Fundamental techniques used in this analysis include correlation coefficients, scatter plots, cross-tabulation, and covariance.

  • Multivariate analysis

Multivariate analysis explores the interactions between two or more variables within a dataset. It seeks to understand how these variables influence each other, which is essential for many statistical modeling methods. Techniques commonly used in multivariate analysis include Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and pair plots.

Performing EDA involves systematically exploring datasets to uncover underlying patterns using visualizations, summary statistics, and data transformation techniques.

How to Perform Exploratory Data Analysis?

Conducting EDA involves a series of steps to understand the data, reveal underlying patterns, identify anomalies, test hypotheses, and ensure the data is clean and ready for further analysis.

  • Understanding the issue and the data

The initial step in data access and analysis project is to thoroughly understand the problem you aim to solve and the available data. A deep comprehension of the problem and the data allows you to develop a more effective evaluation strategy and avoid incorrect assumptions or conclusions.

It is also essential to include relevant scenarios and consult experts or stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the context and requirements.

  • Importing and assessing the data

After gaining a clear understanding of the problem and the data, the next step is to import the data into your analysis environment (e.g., Python, R, or a spreadsheet program). At this stage, it’s crucial to examine the data to understand its structure, variable types, and potential issues.

  • Handling the missing data

Missing data is a general hurdle in several datasets that influences the reliability and quality of your analysis. It’s crucial to identify and address missing data during EDA, as neglecting or mishandling it can lead to biased results. Effectively managing missing data enhances the accuracy and reliability of your analysis. Additionally, document the methods used and the rationale behind your decisions.

  • Exploring data characteristics

After addressing missing data, the next step in exploratory data analysis technique is to explore the features of your dataset. This involves examining variables’ distribution, central tendency, and variability and identifying potential outliers or anomalies. Understanding these characteristics is essential for selecting appropriate analytical methods, detecting data quality issues, and gaining insights for further analysis and modeling.

  • Transforming data

Data transformation is critical in EDA as it prepares data for practical modeling and analysis. Depending on your data’s characteristics and analysis needs, various transformations may be required. Properly transforming your data ensures that your analysis and modeling techniques are applied successfully, resulting in reliable and meaningful outcomes.

  • Sharing insights and findings

The final step in the advanced exploratory data analysis is effectively communicating your findings. This involves summarizing your analysis, highlighting fundamental discoveries, and presenting results clearly and compellingly. Effective and connected business communication ensures that your EDA efforts have a meaningful impact and that stakeholders understand and act on your insights.


Exploratory data analysis and data visualization are fundamental to data science. It provides essential insights into the intricacies of databases and sets the stage for informed decision-making. EDA provides data scientists with the platforms to resolve hidden insights and patterns by investigating relationships, data catering, and anomalies.

This foundational step not only enhances the accuracy of subsequent analyses but also guides projects toward successful outcomes by revealing critical information that accelerates strategic decisions.

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