
  • Each developer has their own preferred methods for working on projects. However, for SCM tools and procedures to be effective, development teams must establish consistent workflows. This consistency forms the foundation for creating a better product.
  • Effective source code management software enables everyone, regardless of technical expertise, to independently work on their parts of a project and easily undo changes that break the code.

As software projects expand in code size and team extent, the overhead cost of communication and management complexity increases. Source code management (SCM) plays a vital role in reducing these organizational strains associated with growing development expenses. It tracks alterations made to the source code repository. It also monitors the ongoing status of changes made to the code base and resolves issues while unifying updates from several contributors.

Source Code Management Best Business Practices

Optimizing your workflow with the following SCM best practices ensures efficient collaboration and streamlined software development:

  • Frequent commitments

Each commit is a snapshot of the codebase at a specific moment. By making frequent commits, you can incrementally save entire changes, providing more chances to revert to the previous state if an error occurs.

  • Working on the latest version

When multiple developers are rapidly updating the code, your local copy can quickly become outdated compared to the master copy. Ensure you check out the latest codebase before making any changes to work with the most current version. Besides, streamline CI/CD pipelines and microservices with considerable variations.

  • Standardizing team workflows

Each developer has their own preferred methods for working on projects. However, for source code management tools and procedures to be effective, development teams must establish consistent workflows. This consistency forms the foundation for creating a better product.

  • Using branches

Branches create independent lines of development, enabling developers to work concurrently on the same codebase without affecting each other’s work. They should be used regularly and follow established branch practices and strategies to facilitate smooth integration into the main development line.

SCM best practices are essential for maximizing the effectiveness of SCM systems in modern software development workflows.

Source Code Management Systems

An SCM system is a software tool that coordinates the coding efforts of a software development team. Also known as version control systems or source control systems, these tools offer file and configuration management database, as well as version control capabilities. The primary functions of an SCM system include:

  • Ensuring development teams always work with the latest code.
  • Preventing developers from overwriting each other’s code changes.
  • Enabling parallel code work and merging changes.
  • Tracking and reviewing requested changes, monitoring bug fixes, and managing releases.

There are many source code management platforms and systems available in the market. The ideal type and features for your organization will depend entirely on its size, resources, and specific needs. These tools serve as essential components for managing code changes and facilitating collaborative development efforts, albeit they are distinct in their roles and functionalities.

Source Code Management Tools

Finding the best SCM tool for your team and implementing it at the right time is crucial. The ideal time to introduce new source control tools is at the start or end of the project, as it can be disruptive to change workflows mid-project.

When choosing a new tool, consider factors such as the types and sizes of files you’ll work with, your team’s technical and business dynamics, cost, security requirements, and the flexibility your team needs.

Effective source code management software enables everyone, regardless of technical expertise, to independently work on their parts of a project and easily undo changes that break the code. This is achieved through branching.

Branching allows developers to isolate their files from the main project (trunk) and test changes on a separate branch. Once stable, these changes can be merged back into the trunk.

SCM tools typically store information in the cloud or on distributed servers, enhancing collaboration across time zones and locations. These tools also facilitate working with larger project files, especially with file-based workflows, allowing team members to modify individual files without downloading the entire project, saving significant time.

In the state of DevOps ecosystem, SCM serves as the backbone for seamless code management and continuous integration across agile software development cycles.

Role of Source Code Management in DevOps

SCM is indispensable in DevOps, acting as the concrete support for coordinating modifications and ensuring high-quality software development. Let’s explore its critical role in this ecosystem:

  • Enabling quick and reliable changes

DevOps prioritizes swift delivery of top-notch software. SCM plays a crucial role in managing source code changes, ensuring they are consistent, traceable, and reversible when necessary. This capability is vital for minimizing the time from code commitment to deploying in production.

  • Enhancing visibility and collaboration

SCM offers transparency by keeping all team members updated on codebase changes. This transparency is pivotal for coordinating development across different features and ensuring seamless integration for software releases. Additionally, SCM facilitates a review process through pull requests, ensuring changes are vetted before final integration.

  • Initiating CI/CD pipelines

Cloning code initiates and accelerates the CI/CD pipeline. Most streamlined source code management solutions establish the foundation for continuous integration and delivery by documenting a comprehensive version history of the software. Each code revision is timestamped and attributed to its contributor, facilitating effective tracking and rollback capabilities.

While addressing SCM integration, it’s essential to weigh strategic considerations that enhance code management and optimize development processes.

Things Source Code Manager Should Consider

While having an SCM solution is important, effectively managing it requires attention to the following tips:

  • Choose an SCM provider that meets your requirements and can grow alongside your organization.
  • Employ branches to work concurrently.
  • Select an appropriate branching strategy that suits your requirements.
  • Fetch the latest code version to ensure your local copy stays current, preventing difficulties during code merging.
  • Regularly commit code and provide detailed notes for clarity.
  • Adopt a standardized workflow that the team can follow for efficient code review and branch merging.


Achieving cost-efficiency with robust source code management implementation is indispensable in modern software development. This practice enables teams to collaborate effectively and manage code changes seamlessly. It’s a critical tool embraced by top software teams and should be integrated into your workflows as well. Setting up an SCM for a new project is straightforward, and the benefits outweigh the initial setup effort. The high return on investment includes improved collaboration, version control, and the ability to track changes efficiently, ultimately leading to more reliable and agile software development processes.

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