
  • Developers can leverage Jetic’s integration platform to merge and harmonize data from diverse sources into a unified format.
  • Jetic highlights that its platform addresses various common integration scenarios, encompassing real-time integration, API management, serverless platforms, event streaming, data capture, and data transformation.

Jetic, a provider of Platform-as-a-Service for cloud-native integration, has officially launched its flagship product. This solution empowers application developers to manage the surge in big data seamlessly, alleviating concerns related to vendor lock-in.

The startup, operating under the official name Datagrate Inc., announced its launch after dedicating over three years to developing and refining what it asserts to be one of the most robust and reliable integration platforms. Developers now have a streamlined approach to designing, deploying, and sustaining scalable application programming interfaces and integrations through its offering. This is achieved using a vast array of pre-built data connectors and patterns, simplifying the development process.

Developers can leverage Jetic’s integration platform to merge and harmonize data from diverse sources into a unified format. Various applications can then utilize this unified data for analytics, operations, and decision-making.

This capability is crucial as data is frequently likened to the “new oil,” and the proper functioning of most applications relies on drawing information from diverse sources. These sources encompass databases, spreadsheets, APIs, cloud services, and other applications. The challenge lies in the fact that this data is frequently stored in varying formats and locations, posing difficulties in seamless access.

Jetic references a study conducted by International Data Group Inc. and TeamDynamics, indicating that 89% of organizations grapple with data and system integration challenges.

The application integration process is intricate, costly, and often needs to be completed. Many existing solutions struggle to manage the extensive array of data connectors, particularly those considered part of the “long tail.” To address these challenges, Jetic’s platform simplifies the process for developers to construct custom data connectors. This functionality enables seamless access to modern, custom, and legacy systems, solving these common integration headaches.

Jetic’s platform achieves this without subjecting users to vendor lock-in constraints. This capability is made possible by leveraging the open-source cloud orchestration software Kubernetes. This empowers the platform to effortlessly relocate and manage workloads from various locations, eliminating concerns associated with vendor lock-in. Furthermore, it relies on the open-source Apache Camel framework, streamlining the integration of applications, systems, and data sources through an array of pre-built components, connectors, and patterns. The platform utilizes a domain-specific language designed for defining integration routes and rules, contributing to its efficiency.

Developers utilize Camel Studio, an interactive drag-and-drop environment offered by Jetic, to build integrations. This platform grants access to various components, enabling swift integration with common data sources. Camel Studio additionally provides various resources to assist developers in configuring their integrations. This includes support for databases, connections to Salesforce, and customization of files. The elegance of Camel Studio lies in the fact that developers are spared from writing any integration code. All integrations crafted within the platform are seamlessly converted into deployable Camel DSL code, running natively within Kubernetes.

These integrations are linked to the user’s Kubernetes cluster through Camel Bridge, and Jetic offers monitoring tools to oversee both the integrations and the data traversing them. This ensures a smooth and disruption-free operation. Andre Sluczka, Co-founder and CEO, stated, “Jetic represents a paradigm shift in cloud-native integration, offering a transformative platform that empowers development teams while eliminating the constraints of costly vendor lock-ins.”

Jetic highlights that its platform addresses various common integration scenarios, encompassing real-time integration, API management, serverless platforms, event streaming, data capture, and data transformation.