
  • The InfluxDB database, an open-source solution, is precisely engineered to manage chronologically processed data.
  • InfluxData has described InfluxDB Clustered as the evolutionary step forward from the InfluxDB Enterprise platform, catering to private clouds and on-premises setups.

InfluxData Inc., which created the time-series database InfluxDB, recently announced the release of InfluxDB Clustered, a new version of its platform.

According to the company, it is a self-managed variant of InfluxDB, designed for high-performance real-time analytics and deployable in on-premises data centers and private clouds. The “time-series” moniker comes from the fact that the open-source InfluxDB database is made to handle data that is processed chronologically. According to InfluxData, time can provide crucial context for understanding data, enabling users to foresee and identify trends over time.

To enable businesses to track how heat fluctuates over extended periods, heat readings from industrial temperature sensors, for instance, must be recorded in the order they are created, with precise timestamps. Performance monitoring is just one of the many applications where this context is helpful.

Time-series data can be easily stored and analyzed, thanks to InfluxDB. InfluxData says the database is remarkably easy to deploy and is designed for high performance, supporting millions of data operations per second. With the addition of the edge data replication function, which enables chronological information to be collected from distributed assets like sensors, it significantly increased the number of data sources it could support last year.

The InfluxDB Clustered, according to InfluxData, is the next development of the InfluxDB Enterprise platform and is intended for use in on-premises and private cloud environments. Customers receive the full functionality of the standard InfluxDB platform with the added benefit that it is pre-packaged and set up to meet their particular hosting needs and data storage requirements. The company claims that InfluxDB Clustered can be installed natively in any Kubernetes environment, anywhere.

According to the manufacturer, InfluxDB Clustered offers all the features of the most recent InfluxDB 3.0 release and can process queries on high-cardinality data (data with many values in a column) up to 100 times faster than the previous InfluxDB Enterprise version. As a result of its use of less expensive object storage, cutting-edge data compression techniques, and the separation of compute and storage, it also supports 45 times faster data ingest speeds and enables a 90% reduction in storage costs.

InfluxData says InfluxDB Clustered fully encrypts data in transit and at rest, contributing to security and compliance. It will soon comply with the System and Organization Controls 2 and International Organization for Standardization standards and support attributes-based access controls, single sign-on, and private networking options.

Following the company announcement of InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, a fully managed, scalable, single-tenant version for public cloud platforms, InfluxDB Clustered was released. Used together, the company said, businesses now have various options for hosting and managing highly scalable time-series workloads.