VoIPstudio is one of the prominent international players when it comes to Cloud calling space for small businesses. What differs it from other competitors is the rising focus on launching features, making it easy and affordable for small and medium businesses to migrate their telephonic business to cloud. Some of the offerings include cloud calling solutions using chrome, file/screen sharing using capabilities to accommodate customers with a spectrum of collaboration needs and advanced wallboard technology.  Rob Seymour, marketing director at VoIPstudio added that they are looking to enhance customer experience in two current strategic markets that include Spain and Germany.
VoIPstudio will be offering complete support for Spanish and German language, with VoIP that offers complete support inducting technical, a local marketing team to ensure consistent messaging to all customers and complete access to VoIPstudios’ web dashboard with various desktop and mobile softphones. When it comes to local language support, UC lacks the required branches to cover several of the intensive market for localization, so complete support and communication for Spanish and German market will be done through a local language if demanded. The option is channeled into getting an edge in the underserved market where UC solutions don’t offer language options.
Tracxn, a data analytics firm added that the recent localization isn’t new. When it comes to Spanish and German markets, both have sizable demography and with lack of wide variety of Cloud-based telephony solutions that lack required local language support. Small and Medium businesses around the world lacked the required access to solutions that are tailored to their needs, and VoIP plans to fill the gap. VoIPstudio is investing in advancing features and offers range of add-ons such as unlimited call recordings and advanced wallboard technology. The customers are likely to see a better ROI with ease in understanding several features. Localization is the next offering for businesses looking to improve customer experience and communication.Â