Understanding the Economics of In-cloud Data Protection: A Dell Technologies Data Protecti...
The implementation and operation of data protection technology in data protection environments Public cloud can be complex and expensive. IT teams often struggle to manage solutions backup designed for on-premises…
Why aren’t factories as smart as they could be? How edge computing accelerates the journ...
Data is revolutionizing manufacturing. Combined with powerful tools like artificial intelligence/machine learning and streaming analytics, real-time data is enabling new levels of innovation and the rise of smarter factories. Forward-leaning…
The Impact of Accelerating Storage and Data Protection Environments
ESG recently surveyed 2,000 IT decision makers to understand whether, and to what degree, organizations’ comprehensive technology transformations are delivering competitive advantages. The study focused on organizations’ progress delivering modern…
Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni con frequenti sostituzioni dei server per le aziende di g...
I server sono la spina dorsale dell'infrastruttura IT moderna. Supportano i requisiti di elaborazione dell'intero portafoglio di applicazioni delle aziende di grandi dimensioni. Tuttavia, il loro ciclo di vita è…