2020 Data Warehouse Benchmark

2020 Data Warehouse Benchmark

Published by: Research Desk Released: Nov 17, 2020

Fivetran is a data pipeline that syncs data from apps, databases and file stores into our customers’ data warehouses. The question we get asked most often is, “What data warehouse should I choose?” In order to better answer this question, we’ve performed a benchmark comparing the speed and cost of four of the most popular data warehouses:

  • Amazon Redshift
  • Snowflake
  • Presto
  • Google BigQuery

Benchmarks are all about making choices: What kind of data will I use? How much? What kind of queries? How you make these choices matters a lot: Change the shape of your data or the structure of your queries and the fastest warehouse can become the slowest. We’ve tried to make these choices in a way that represents a typical Fivetran user, so that the results will be useful to the kind of company that uses Fivetran.

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