Discover why AI in Cloud ERP is becoming the must-have business technology

Discover why AI in Cloud ERP is becoming the must-have business technology

Published by: Research Desk Released: Nov 06, 2024

AI is transforming how enterprises across every industry approach and do business.

An IDC FutureScape prediction is that by mid-2024, 30% of global organizations will take advantage of humanlike interfaces in their enterprise applications to gain more insights quickly, improving decision velocity.

So, what does this mean for a business like yours?

IDC and SAP recently conducted an extensive survey of organizations worldwide to find out their views and opinions on the potential and actual business impact of AI and Generative AI. Download the IDC InfoBrief “Business AI – Relevant, Reliable, and Responsible” to explore:

  • How organizations are already embedding AI in their business processes to deliver tangible results
  • Some of the most popular AI use cases across Cloud ERP
  • Why responsible AI with clear ethics and data privacy is vital
  • Expert tips on how to prepare for the long-term impact of AI

The “AI Everywhere” era will deliver a step-change in productivity, process efficiency, and business outcomes.

The opportunities for AI in business are endless – so don’t get left behind!

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