ESG Economic Validation – the quantified benefits of Fortinet Security Operations solutions

ESG Economic Validation – the quantified benefits of Fortinet Security Operations solutions

Published by: Research Desk Released: Feb 27, 2024

This Economic Validation from TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group focused on the quantitative and qualitative benefits organizations can expect by using Fortinet Security Operations solutions rather than continuing to use several alternative point security products.

Building a modern and effective SOC is costly and increasingly complex. It is difficult and expensive to hire and train security expertise and even more difficult to retain that talent, as resources are always in demand. There is no shortage of tools to choose from, leading many organizations to have to learn multiple interfaces, combat alert fatigue, and manage tool sprawl and overlapping functionality. In fact, despite growing functionality in choice of effective tools, Enterprise Strategy Group research found that 52% of organizations felt that security operations are
more difficult today than they were two years ago.

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