How Data Culture Fuels Business Value in Data-Driven Organizations

How Data Culture Fuels Business Value in Data-Driven Organizations

Published by: Research Desk Released: Apr 13, 2023

Organizations realize the full value of their data when they’re truly data-driven: When everyone—across all levels and roles—is empowered to make better decisions using data, every day with a Data Culture. Data Cultures make data available in the right form, at the right time, and with the necessary context to drive impact, moving business metrics up and to the right.

For this whitepaper1, IDC surveyed 1,100 respondents in executive and managerial positions from 10 countries about how they would identify characteristics that influence how data is used in decision-making. This is what sets them apart as a “data-leading” organization and helps define the maturity of their Data Culture. Representing a mix of industries, including financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, government, retail, and more, global respondents were interviewed to identify the trends that separate data-leading organizations from the rest. Download the whitepaper to read more in-depth analysis about how Data Culture fuels business value in data-driven organizations.

Explore this interactive visualization of the global IDC survey data to discover country- and industry-specific trends relevant to you. Research from IDC shows that data-leading organizations—those with strong Data Cultures—experience positive outcomes, ranging from:

• Greater competitive differentiation

• Faster speed-to-market

• Increased profits

• Higher employee satisfaction

• And more

In this whitepaper, explore the role that Data Culture plays in being truly data-driven, the characteristics organizations embrace to get the most value from their data, and identify the common trends across data-leading organizations—those with strong Data Cultures. Read IDC’s recommendations and build a strong Data Culture to become a data-driven organization.

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