SASE Architecture for Dummies

SASE Architecture for Dummies

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jan 29, 2025

Netskope, a global SASE leader, helps organizations apply zero trust principles and AI/ML innovations to protect data and defend against cyber threats. Fast and easy to use, the Netskope One platform and its patented Zero Trust Engine provide optimized access and real time security for people, devices, and data anywhere they go. Thousands of customers trust Netskope and its powerful NewEdge network to reduce risk and gain unrivaled visibility into any cloud, web and private application activity—providing security and accelerating performance without tradeoffs

This book can help you develop a road map for implementing networking and security projects that will deliver positive, incremental results in the near term while paving the way for a resilient, secure future that’s cloud-first. It cuts through the marketing blather you receive from purported SASE vendors, giving you a practical understanding of what SASE is — and isn’t — and enabling you to future-proof your investments in security and networking to ensure that adapting to inevitable changes is as easy and cost-effective as possible.

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