Stop Fixing Your Media Analytics: Keys to Implementing Automated Data Governance

Stop Fixing Your Media Analytics: Keys to Implementing Automated Data Governance

Published by: Research Desk Released: Oct 17, 2019

Despite the growing importance of digital media, many organizations effectively track 40 to 60 percent of their digital media spend. The gap is caused by manual processes, which make it hard to ensure consistent tracking across platforms and teams, and by the dramatic increase in platforms used to execute campaigns.

As a result, analytics and marketing leaders are left with little insight into which ads or ad elements are driving results, while spending precious time manually validating tracking elements and piecing together reporting. In addition, advertising platforms are unable to drive the optimization they need with clean, rich data.

This document elaborates on these road – blocks and highlights the steps leading organizations are taking to ensure rich, consistent tracking of digital media. It will show you how to automate the process of governing data creation across execution platforms, how to align execution platforms to analytics platforms, and key steps you can take to systematically ensure ad visibility.

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