Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Make Better Use of Your Data

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Make Better Use of Your Data

Iron Mountain
Published by: Research Desk Released: Nov 09, 2021

In the digital age, data is the fuel of business. Many organizations have more data than they know what to do with. However as much as 90% of data generated today is unstructured and it’s everywhere – in legacy archives, customer support records, chat logs, legal documents, social media posts, location data, invoices and purchase orders, voice recordings, staff appraisal forms, HR documentation, and a multitude of other places.

Unstructured data results in 3 problem areas:

1. Data is often siloed away under the stewardship of different departments — usually by whomever collected it.              Others who might find it useful, whatever their role, have no way to access it or aren’t even aware of its existence.
2. Unstructured data storage is particularly expensive as it can live in formats such as video and images.
3. Laws around the collection, storage and use of data are becoming stricter resulting in organizations undergoing          costly audits to determine the data in their custody and remain compliant.

Learn how artificial intelligence (AI) can solve these unstructured data challenges.

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