The ways in which customers are interacting with their banks is undergoing a fundamental shift. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic providing an accelerant, consumers have drifted away from traditional banking touch points and towards more fluid digital channels. While necessitated by the closing of branches and the reduction in contact, it has exposed an unprecedented number of users to the potential of alternative methods of self-service banking.
Consumers have become reluctant to visit branches, with 26% saying they want to avoid face-to-face banking entirely going forward. The average user is moving from bank branches to 24/7 access to their accounts – which means they expect branch-level instant personalised support and seamless solving of issues. The truth of the matter is that frequently they are not finding it.
Read the report the find out:
- How streamlined experience hits the bottom line
- How to go beyond the chatbot
- Why an ecosystem of automation can be key for the future