Authentication and Verification: Uncover ROI Through Biometrics

Authentication and Verification: Uncover ROI Through Biometrics

Published by: Research Desk Released: Aug 05, 2021

The very cornerstone of any digital interaction is trust – the need to know that the people, organizations and devices that we are communicating with are legitimate. At the crux of this is authentication and verification, ensuring that the right person is interacting with services digitally.


Created in partnership with OWI and iProov, this report provides a timely overview of the rise of biometrics. We dive into the challenges associated with implementing biometrics as well as the business benefits biometrics bring. This includes an analysis of potential fraud reduction, improved customer experience, greater inclusivity, and adherence to regulatory requirements.

The report includes

A Brief History of Biometrics
Changes in Biometrics in 2020 and Beyond Business Benefits from Leveraging Biometrics The Roadmap of The Future

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