Operational Resilience Journey

Operational Resilience Journey

Published by: Research Desk Released: Apr 01, 2022

The recent onset of external disruptions such as the global pandemic has left many enterprises struggling to maintain business as usual. Many organizations were caught off guard or planned too much emphasis on IT operational resilience, and as result, experienced unforeseen resiliency issues. Increased cyber-attacks, changing regulations, concentration in suppliers and employee work force issues continue to add further complexities to business operations.

These factors are having a profound and continuing impact on governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) programs. As GRC factors continue to evolve, yesterday’s operational resilience programs must change to suit. An Operation Resiliency Program provides framework for understanding and the tools needed to manage operational risk and respond to and recover from operational disruptions.

Our approach – NewRocket can help you plan and prepare for Operational Resiliency by providing the capabilities to understand both the internal and external emerging risks that may impact your organization and by putting a plan in place to remediate when things occur. Let us find your path and guide you on your journey and ensure you achieve your mission.

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